• what did public transportation waiting areas look like 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 50 years ago. Before "Phones" I Mean. i spent a lot of time in public transportation waiting areas today and i spent a lot of that time observing how most people were on phones. i know we had other rectangles before this — static, printed rectangles. even squares that people filled in with letters sometimes. but sometimes i sit in public and look around and think "am i the only person looking around and thinking right now?"

  • when a group of people are waiting for public transportation together, it is less likely but still not unlikely that these people will be on their phones.

  • having all these Phones But Too Much thoughts feels incredibly basic but also like i think there's phones but too much. the thing that's incredibly basic is trying to defend it like with that one comic where everyone is texting a loved one or whatever. bullshit, my unqualified counterclaim is that at least 50% of people are scrolling through toxic social media. personally i will smile and laugh due to messages i get on my phone and i did not see one single person smiling or laughing at something on their phone so, idk, seems strange.

  • what do i do on my phone in public? i've never answered this question for myself before. the answer is "messages" and "look stuff up" (map, thing i saw, thing that someone else mentioned, maybe thing that popped into my head). it's great to simply not have social media as an option. i could look at my RSS reader, and i have during some idle times, but something i hadn't considered formalizing is what if i: don't. i didn't when i was out today! what if that's just an "at home" activity instead. that seems like a good idea, i'm formalizing that for myself now 👍

  • i called these saturday thoughts because the day is saturday but it seems like these are all phones [sic] thoughts so far.

  • do you ever feel a wave of sleepy sneak up and crash down on you? this just happened to me!!! i love to be excited to get into bed before 9 pm and read a book until lights out these days.

  • last night i said this (friday thought) and then i watched a youtube video on my phone instead. very annoying get it together 🙄

  • among the many phases and eras i have started this year… i was not calling it this until now but i am in my discontinuation era. this is where i discontinue things and the things specifically are the mood-altering drugs that i put in my body. it started a few weeks ago when i woke up one day after several months of having "a skosh of weed" nearly every single day and felt at a very deep level that actually i did not want weed anymore. not as an intention that i had to set and struggle toward, but as an impulse that vanished. and now i have also replaced coffee with tea, and i have been off my antidepressants for a week, and it seems fine. it actually seems fine!

  • at any given mundane moment i might find myself with the thought "maybe this is all my life will ever be" and i think the followup is always "i'm ok with that" but that seems awfully suspicious now that i type it out.

  • there are a bunch of things that i had very sketchily planned on getting done today that i did not get done. i made no promises to anyone and yet i am a little sorry for this. not annoying but also i must believe i can do better.