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simple era: become simpler

lately i think if i don't remind myself of everything then i could forget everything all at once. like i am especially prone to discontinuity unless i proactively maintain continuity. but also what discontinuities could i embrace to my benefit while i am here

axioms of an erotic worldview

from Matter and Desire: An Erotic Ecology by Andreas Weber, translated by Rory Bradley.

  1. The world comprises matter, bodies that are in continuous contact with one another.
  2. The contact between bodies forms the scaffolding of reality. Reality is physical and not abstract or "ultimately mind." Reality is not neutral, because every instance of contact leaves behind irreversible traces that change all of the parties concerned.
  3. Because of these moments of contact, a layer of meaning is called forth: Touch is an alteration with meaningful results. Moments of contact cause relationships and, for living beings, interests. Thanks to a purely external circumstance — the fact that things are pulled toward one another — a "plane of inner experience" is formed.
  4. Being in contact has a fundamentally positive, almost desirous aspect: The individual parts of the world are drawn to one another, attracted to one another, one might say interested in one another. Even if the moment of contact is incidental, the results of it are not. Contact is unavoidable, as is the resultant inner interweaving of the network of relationships that makes up reality.
  5. Moments of contact, interweavings, new relationships, and complications are ever open to the possibility of being carried further. Reality itself constantly facilitates the development and proper expression of new erotic relationships. The cosmos manifests a gigantic process of "autocatalysis" in which relationships — structures and meaning — come into being and facilitate further relationships and deeper experiences of meaning.
  6. Everything that is of this world longs for more contact in order to be more strongly and intimately in relationship, and thereby to come more fully into its own.

POV: you are

something about the pants i was wearing all day made the pajama pants hit different tonight. i'm very aware of wearing pajama pants that are soft and loose and feel correct. not in comparison to the previous pants but just really in their own as pajama pants

when you can see through glass and also see a reflection on that glass that's so weird. i don't think i'll ever get over this. if i do get over it then that is the surest sign that i am not me anymore but someone else. dead man's switch but like for identity haha.

hunch hour

shoutouts to anyone who has ever committed to a bit! (unless your bit sucks then nvm) (this offer is valid for correct bits only)

you ever think about ?

yeah, me .

i'm entering my simple era