great news everyone i moved the router a few feet forward and this might help with my phone staying connected to wifi in my bedroom so i don't keep accidentally eating into my mobile data in here. less great news i still feel a great deal of resistance to figuring out a less temporary spot for it which is why i put off moving it at all for months. ugh
what X can teach us about Y
while X and Y may not seem related at first glance, they actually contain valuable lessons about one another for those willing to look. for instance, X shows us what Y would look like if the two lines at the top kept going instead of merging where they cross
maybe the most exhausting thing for me is experiencing my own emotional volatility when it swings out of my usual range of tolerance but it's also not like i've ever pushed a big rock up a hill over and over or anything like that. maybe if i did that then the emotional volatility would be relatively way less exhausting or something
peace love unity tetris
i got a projector and have discovered that i can play tetris effect big on the wall.
i've thought about it for about 10 minutes and in my imho we don't need the concept of possession, we can just get rid of it entirely and replace it with stewardship. in fact i genuinely believe "things would be better" if we did that 👍
re: absolutely not fixing — Very Funny
i actually don't even know if i got the optics right in that last post because i am pretty much just vibing them out. which is a normal way to think about optics probably
the view from the other side
here's a little something i like to do for fun: look out my bedroom window. and then also look out the mirror version my bedroom window, which has a different view than my bedroom window. and then think about how when i am looking out the mirror window, i am seeing what my mirror self would be seeing out my not mirror window. and then i like to consider how the mirror offers me this perspective of this imaginal mirror me in a physically impossible over there. except that the mirror has made the perspective physically possible. which is really fucking weird, like some kind of astral projection lite or something!!!
anyway that's just one thing i like to do sometimes. have a great day everyone